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Sexual Harassment Attorney Denver, Work Place Harassment Lawyer Colorado

Sexual harassment in the work place is governed by State and Federal laws in order to protect employees from unwanted and unlawful conduct by co-workers and employers. Sexual harassment is evidenced by unwanted touching, sexual comments or jokes, a display of sexual images, denying promotions or work in exchange for sexual favors.

Please watch this video to give you a concise overview of your rights;

Essentially, sexual harassment is an uninvited sexual activity by a supervisor or co-worker that creates a hostile work environment for you. Employers must enforce sexual harassment laws. Employees have the right to expect relief from harassment when reported, and for employers to keep their workplace environment in a manner that is free of these unwanted advances or suggestions.

We know that sexual harassment in the work place is emotionally charged and stressful to you. The attorneys at Harding & Associates are extremely qualified to handle your case from beginning to end. Sexual Harassment Denver Lawyer offer an initial no fee, no obligation consultation to help you understand all of your rights and give you options to stop the harassment, or hold those who are responsible liable. It is very important for victims of Sexual Harassment Attorney to act immediately due to the stringent time frames that are built into these work place laws.

While many variations exist on the same essential theme, EEOC's definition of sexual harassment is likely to be given great weight by courts, since it is the investigating agency set up by Congress to enforce federal law against sexual harassment. Here is more information about sexual harassment from the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Please call us for a free consultation at 303-762-9500, or outside Metro Denver at 800-878-7888, so that we can help to protect your rights.